Internet of Things Technology Review
Reference Material for Designers, Engineers & Specifiers.
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 3
WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES ........................................................................................................................ 4
IOT COMPARISON TABLE ........................................................................................................................... 9
CASE STUDIES ..............................................................................................................................................10
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................................11
APPENDIX 1: Network Topologies ..........................................................................................................12
APPENDIX 2: Frequencies .........................................................................................................................14
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
Wireless communication and embedded micro-electromechanical sensing technologies have
evolved at a rapid pace. Many of the devices we use every day can now connect to the Internet,
and this has made wireless sensor networks possible. The desire to maximize energy efficiency
and improve environmental conditions has led to the emergence of new products used to
monitor, control, and share information in networked homes and buildings.
Enter the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a description for embedded and
network cloud technologies that enable remote monitoring and control of sensors and systems.
IoT can be used in commercial, industrial, utility and residential applications. You’ll find the IoT’s
remote monitoring and control applications in hospitals, parking lots, shipping departments,
and even bathrooms.
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
Wireless Technologies
One important task for IoT developers and system architects is determining which wireless
technology best suits their applications’ needs. This can be a daunting project. Many competing
wireless technologies appear to have overlapping features or be interchangeable. This paper
maps out the pros and cons of several wireless protocols and identifies key items to consider
when selecting a wireless technology for a given application.
ZigBee is a short-range, low-power consumption communication link that allows for connections
of up to 100 meters. ZigBee end nodes communicate on a local personal area network (PAN)
and require an additional device, called a border router, to communicate to cloud services or
smart phones. ZigBee operates over the IEEE 802.15.4 media access control network layer
typically, in the 2.4GHz spectrum. IEEE 802.15.4 specifies the physical layer and data link layer
protocols for LR-WPAN (low-rate wireless personal area networks), making it an ideal option for
simple, inexpensive applications. Some ZigBee channels overlap with 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi channels.
Both Wi-Fi and ZigBee use frequency hopping and spread-spectrum techniques to avoid
interference. ZigBee transmissions speeds typically top out at 250kbits / second. ZigBee
is a low-power wireless technology and may be suitable for battery-powered applications.
ZigBee end nodes can act as network repeaters in a network mesh topology to extend their
range if needed.
For the 2.4 Ghz implementation with 18dBm transmit power, -6dBm antenna insertion loss and
the transmitter placed at a height of 6m from ground, the range for ZigBee increases to 300
meters. This may vary depending on multiple factors such as the environmental, but assuming
there are no environmental issues and current radios are being used, the range can be pushed
up to 300m.
The Digi Xbee Pro 1W radio is a 802.15.4 radio using the same family of controllers as Mars’
current ZigBee radio, but implementing a power amplifier to give a line of sight of 1200m. It is
worth mentioning that with the right front end, a custom ZigBee radio can go beyond the range
of 300m.
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Low power, suitable for battery devices. Requires a separate border router device.
Utilizes an open specification IEEE 802.15.4
MAC layer.
Incompatibility between some device ven-
dors who implement non-standard network
Meshing: there is no single point of failure.
Network physical coverage is relatively higher
Suitable for many end nodes at one physical
Wireless Technologies Continued
For 2.4 Ghz implementation with 18dBm transmit power, -6dBm antenna insertion loss and
the transmitter placed at a height of 6m from ground, the range for ZigBee increases to 300
meters. This may vary depending on multiple factors such as the environment, but assuming
there are no environmental issues and current radios are being used, the range can be pushed
up to 300m.
The Digi Xbee Pro 1W radio is a 802.15.4 radio that uses the same family of controllers as Mars’
current ZigBee radio, but implements a power amplifier to give a line of sight of 1200m. It is
worth mentioning that with the right front end, a custom ZigBee radio can go beyond the range
of 300m.
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
Wireless Technologies Continued
Z-Wave is a proprietary low-power wireless communication protocol that is comparable to
ZigBee. Z-Wave operates over the 900MHz spectrum, so interference issues may arise with
some 900MHz cordless phones or wireless video devices. This wireless communication protocol
requires an additional device, called a primary controller, to communicate to cloud services
or smart phones. Z-Wave has transmission speeds typically in the 10kbits – 40kbits / second
range. End nodes can be set up to act as network repeaters in a network mesh topology to
extend their range.
Suitable for many end nodes at one physical
Proprietary communications limit customiza-
tion and flexibility.
Ensures compatibility of all Z-Wave certified
Requires a separate primary controller de-
900MHz band may have better performance
pass through walls.
A single Z-Wave network has a limit of 232
nodes. Several Z-Wave networks can be
bridged to increase overall size.
Meshing: there is no single point of failure.
Low power
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
Wireless Technologies Continued
Arguably the most popular form of wireless networking, Wi-Fi is a medium-to-high power
technology that uses radio waves in order to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network
connections. Wi-Fi IoT devices typically operate over the 2.4GHz spectrum. 5.8GHz Wi-Fi, while
common on computers, is uncommon on IoT devices at the time of this writing. Wi-Fi end nodes
most often communicate in infrastructure mode where they communicate to cloud services or
smart phones through a Wi-Fi router that is likely already present in most homes. Wi-Fi offers
the fastest connection speeds, for IoT devices, typically into the 10Mb / second range.
Suitable for tens of end nodes at one
physical location. Relatively higher power consumption needed
Relatively faster connection speeds 2.4 GHz band may be congested
End-user familiarity
Separate router not required
It is worth noting that things could change later this year if 802.11ah arrives on the market
with the promised features.
Low power consumption Network supports few end nodes
Easiest hardware design option 2.4 GHz band may be congested
Wireless Technologies Continued
Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE):
Bluetooth low energy is a low-power lightweight subcategory of Bluetooth. As the name suggests,
the primary difference between Bluetooth and Bluetooth low energy is power consumption.
BTLE operates over the 2.4GHz spectrum. Some BTLE channels overlap with ZigBee and Wi-Fi
channels. BTLE end nodes most often communicate in a point-to-point link, for example from
a device to a smart phone. Recent advances in Bluetooth allow BTLE end nodes to work as
network repeaters in a small mesh network to extend their range. BTLE devices operate in a
network star topology, with BTLE networks requiring an additional router to communicate with
cloud services, though they can communicate directly with smart devices such as phones or
tablets. If you need to design something that can easily communicate with any modern mobile
platform, particularly Apple devices, BTLE will most likely be your best option. In addition, this
type of wireless protocol is ideal for devices that run on batteries for extended periods. BTLE
has transmission speeds between 250kbits – 1Mbits / second.
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
IoT Comparison Table
2.405 –
Up to 16
Typically 100
mW 250 kbps 10 - 100 m
Mesh or
point to
Remote monitoring
and control of battery
powered wireless
sensors / controls.
Smart remote for TVs.
908.42 MHz
Up to 3
1 mW
9.6 / 40 /
kbps 10 - 30 m Mesh
Home automation
remote monitoring
and control. Wireless
control for power
outlets, light switches.
2.4 –
Up to 14
5.15 –
12 to 25
1 W 1 Mbps to 300 Mbps 100 m Star
High data rate or real-
time monitoring and
control applications.
Voice activated
Blue Tooth
Low Energy
2.402 –
Up to 39
100 mW 250 kbps 10 - 100 m
or Point to
Local user interface for
appliances / devices.
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
Case Studies
Somfy Z-Wave to ILT Interface:
IoT has become a key component of home automation and smart homes because it adds
beyond-line-of-sight monitoring and control. Within and around a building, home automation
applications often include short to mid-range end nodes (remote sensors and controls). Mars
client Somfy Systems of Dayton, New Jersey needed a digital motor interface to control window
coverings for residential areas. This digital motor interface needed to be capable of producing
real-time status reports for motorized blinds and shades. Range was not a factor because
of the application. The Z-Wave Digital Motor Interface (ZDMI) is a Z-Wave routing device that
resides as a node within a designated Z-Wave control network. By utilizing wireless Z-Wave, an
inter-operable two-way RF mesh networking technology, the ZDMI receives control commands
from a central controller and sends back motor position status.
Kimberly-Clark Intelligent Restroom
Mars client Kimberly-Clark of Atlanta, Georgia was looking into creating an “intelligent” restroom
that would have the ability to monitor battery life and low paper in their paper towel dispensers.
The goal was to reduce the amount of supplies and maintenance required to support an office
restroom. Again, because of the application, range was not a huge factor. Initially, Wi-Fi seemed
like the better option because of its high data rate and real-time monitoring capabilities.
However, Mars ended up utilizing the ZigBee protocol because of its compatibility with battery-
powered wireless sensors.
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
While there are similarities between many of the IoT wireless protocols, selecting the appropriate
technology is critical for project success. The most important thing a designer, engineer or
specifier can do is to thoroughly define and prioritize exactly what it is that the IoT system needs
to accomplish. Home and building automation systems and products may be single-focused or
may integrate and coordinate several functions such as security, safety, entertainment, comfort,
energy management, communication, and appliance control.
These products are capable of processing and exchanging information, and include flexible
and adaptable designs that support sophisticated sensors and controls for various applications
including lighting and energy management, garage door openers, HVACR systems, security, and
appliances. From intelligent lighting controls, to safety sensing and monitoring devices, to central
digital building controllers, Mars International has experience with the technologies, platforms,
and protocols required to design and build complete product solutions.
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
Appendix 1: Network Topologies
There are a few major network topologies commonly used in wireless technology today:
Star Network: A star network is the most common computer network topology. In a star
network, there is a central hub, which can also be known as a router, gateway, or controller,
depending on the technology. All the nodes communicate directly with the hub, and then the
hub relays messages to the Internet or to another hub. If nodes want to communicate directly
with each other, the message is relayed via the hub. The transmission lines that are formed
between a hub and the nodes form a star-like arrangement. This is typically how Wi-Fi and your
cell phones work.
Typical Star Network Topology
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
Mesh Network: In a fully-meshed network, there is no need for a central hub. Any node can act
as a relay to any other node. The idea being, if two nodes cannot reach each other directly, the
message can be delivered through one or more other nodes in the mesh. Mesh networks can
reach greater lengths than other technologies by hopping a message through several nodes.
There are many variations to a meshed network. Some nodes may opt not to route messages.
A battery powered device may do this to conserve power. Another variation may direct some
messages to a single gateway node. The gateway would bridge messages on the mesh network
to another network, such as the Internet, using a different communication technology, such as
ethernet or cellular.
Typical Mesh Network Topology
908-233-0101 • marsint.com
Point-to-Point Network: In a point-to-point network, two devices are paired and connected
with each other. Ultimately this tends to look like a star network, as it is usually a less capable
device (like a headset) connecting to a smartphone or computer, which acts like the hub.
Appendix 2: Frequencies
With so many wireless devices, it can be helpful to select frequencies that are less popular to
avoid jamming and interference. However, there are also advantages to using higher or lower
frequencies. Lower frequencies typically have longer range and are less affected by buildings
or metal along the transmission path. Higher frequencies allow for increased data rates but are
not as good at penetrating metals.
Typical Point-to-Point Network Topology
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