InfinityQS’ Doug Fair To Speak At ASQ World Conference

InfinityQS International, Inc., the global authority on Manufacturing Intelligence and enterprise quality, announced today that its vice president of technical services, Doug Fair, will speak at the 2013 ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement, to be held May 6-8, 2013, in Indianapolis.

Fairfax, Va. InfinityQS International, Inc., the global authority on Manufacturing Intelligence and enterprise quality, announced today that its vice president of technical services, Doug Fair, will speak at the 2013 ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement, to be held May 6-8, 2013, in Indianapolis. Fair’s presentation, “Embrace Change to Optimize the Global Supply Chain,” will take place on Tuesday, May 7, from 9:15-10:15 a.m. and will emphasize the importance of end-to-end supply chain visibility in remaining competitive amidst the evolving global quality landscape.

Fair will use real-world examples to highlight for engineers, management and executives the benefits of mobile and plant floor technologies and how using the Manufacturing Intelligence acquired from these technologies enables the discovery of the true value of data. By collecting meaningful, actionable data, manufacturers can maintain the highest level of quality products and processes and decrease costs.

“As the global quality landscape changes, manufacturers seek new ways to remain competitive in the marketplace. This can be done by embracing that change and taking advantage of the tools, techniques and best practices available to them. Only then is it possible to discover the true value of data, achieve 100-percent supply chain visibility, and drive the production of top-quality products,” said Doug Fair, vice president of technical services, InfinityQS.

At InfinityQS, Fair leads the technical support, training and application engineering staff. Since joining the InfinityQS team in 1997, Fair has helped clients understand statistical methods and implement InfinityQS software in diverse environments and challenging situations. Fair has written two books on industrial statistics and methods, “Innovative Control Charting” (ASQ Quality Press, 1998) with coauthor Steve Wise, and “Quality Management in Health Care” (Jones and Bartlett Publishing, 2004). Doug is a senior member of the American Society for Quality and a Six Sigma Black Belt.

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About InfinityQS International, Inc.

InfinityQS International, Inc.® is the global authority on Manufacturing Intelligence and enterprise quality. The company’s enterprise quality hub, ProFicient, delivers real-time visibility from the shop floor, across the enterprise and into the supply chain, allowing top manufacturers to take control of quality. Powered by a centralized statistical process control (SPC) engine, ProFicient manufacturing quality software leverages Manufacturing Intelligence to help global manufacturers improve product quality, decrease costs, maintain compliance and make smarter, data-driven business decisions. Headquartered in Fairfax, Va., and founded in 1989, InfinityQS now services more than 40,000 active licenses with over 2,500 of the world’s top manufacturers including Kraft Foods, Ball Corporation, Boston Scientific, Graham Packaging and Medtronic. For more information, visit

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