8 Powerful Techniques to Boost Productivity on the Manufacturing Floor

These eight effective techniques can help you change the dynamics of efficiency on your manufacturing floor.

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Avi PatelAvi Patel

From employees to equipment, there are several variables affecting the productivity of a manufacturing floor. It is important that you work on all the aspects and leverage their collective power to boost productivity. The eight effective techniques listed below can help you change the dynamics of efficiency on your manufacturing floor. Let’s take a look:

No. 1 - Study the Current Workflow Pattern

The very first step to take is to study the current workflow pattern on your manufacturing flow. This will help you identify the problem areas with respect to three major aspects—people, processes and technology. You can choose effective value mapping tools to identify and monitor daily operations for process optimization. Such an audit will reveal pain points and areas where improvement is needed the most. This information can also be stored for future reference.

No. 2 - Invest in Modern Equipment

Old machinery may be costing you a lot more than you think. Outdated machining tools require frequent repairs and are potential hotspots for accidents. Modern equipment such as CNC lathe machines may seem expensive but are a worthy investment in the long run. Such advanced machinery saves you a lot of valuable resources such as time, manpower and money. They optimize performance and boost productivity of your day to day operations.

No. 3 - Carry out Periodic Maintenance

If you notice frequent downtimes on your manufacturing floor due to the equipment, lack of periodic maintenance may be the culprit. Also, the more frequently your machinery experiences downtimes, the more you lose out on productivity and in turn profits. Hence, it is of utmost importance to maintain your equipment and ensure that it delivers consistently. The maintenance team should be well-trained to handle all the aspects associated with maintenance.

No. 4 - Conduct Regular Training Workshops

Your employees are your biggest asset. Investing in their education and training is a surefire way of ensuring enhanced productivity on the manufacturing floor. This is important because manufacturing, machining and cutting industries are evolving constantly. Hence, those involved in manufacturing should always stay updated with the latest technological advancements, especially in the field of manufacturing machinery. Well-educated and well-trained employees are equipped to handle almost any situations on the manufacturing floor.

No. 5 - Set Clear and Realistic Goals

Setting unrealistic goals and not giving employees a clear picture of your aim can mean poor performance and declining productivity. In worst case scenario, the burden of unrealistic expectations can lead to compromised safety and dissatisfied employees. This leads to overall poor performance and unachieved goals. Avoid this by setting realistic goals and give your employees a clear picture of your objectives. This will not only increase the trust factor but will also motivate them to do their best.

No. 6 - â€‹Maintain an Organized Work floor

Chaos kills productivity and gives way to accidents. This may cause severe damage to property and lives. Also, the loss in man-hours due to poorly organized work floor can cost you a lot of money. A well-organized work floor is instrumental in boosting productivity. Be it materials, equipment or data, organization ensures smoother workflow and better results.

No. 7 - Emphasize on Teamwork

If every person on the work floor works as a team towards the same goal, it is sure to give better outcomes. Stress on the importance of teamwork on your manufacturing floor. Try implementing team-building activities and sessions which help cultivate a productive work environment.

No. 8 - Keep Updating the Business Processes

Keeping your business processes updated will work wonders on improving the productivity quotient of the manufacturing floor. Discussing existing issues with project managers, re-assigning resources, ensuring up-to-date compliance with relevant regulatory organizations are all crucial. Remember, business processes are instrumental in controlling the productivity of the work floor.

With numerous advancements in technology, you can also look for introducing automated solutions for optimizing operations. However, a blend of these eight powerful techniques is sure to help you register increased productivity on your manufacturing work floor.

Avi Patel has a background in engineering and is a digital marketer by trade for Ezy Trader.

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