Newport News, VA — As the use of composite materials grows in aerospace, automotive, transportation, wind, shipbuilding and other industries, so must the skills of the designers and engineers charged with producing digital models that are lighter, stronger—and manufacturable.
HyperSizer software, the first ever to be commercialized out of NASA in 1995, is the focus of a five-day training course being offered June 12-16 this year in a dedicated facility near Collier Research’s Newport News, Virginia headquarters.
There are no prerequisites for attending; previous courses have hosted a range of capabilities, from first-time users to career engineers from NASA’s nearby Langley Research Center who were familiar with the software but wanted to refresh their skills.
“This course is suitable for both novice and experienced HyperSizer users,” says instructor James Ainsworth. “We’ll begin by reviewing the fundamental software capabilities for novice users on Day One and quickly build on basic concepts to run more advanced features. The course material is structured so the users become proficient at driving HyperSizer while also fully understanding the analysis and sizing methodology behind the software.”
By the end of the week, attendees will be able to use both Pro and Express versions of HyperSizer and perform use cases for analysis and design optimization. They’ll learn “best practices” for deploying the software within a stress group and will create and manage data in HyperSizer’s material database. They’ll also use HyperSizer to perform stress analysis and sizing of complex airframe structures and couple the software with FEA solvers such as Nastran, Abaqus or ANSYS.
The training facility is located near coffee shops and lunch spots and a social event for all will be held one evening.
At the end of the week each student will be given a free 30-day user license for a model they’ve been working on.
The course fee is $2,500 per person; three attendees from the same company may attend for $5,000.
For more information, visit https://hypersizer.com/trainingevents/.