Better Economy. Healthier Environment. Stronger Communities.
As shown in the above infographic, there are many amazing benefits of advanced manufacturing in the United States. Domestic manufacturing drives more innovation than any other sectors, performing more than 75 percent of all private sector research and development. Manufacturing also provides more and better jobs for workers without a college education, paying an average of $26 per hour.
When workers are paid more, the economy grows stronger. For every dollar spent in manufacturing, another $1.89 is added back into the economy. And it's not just the workers who benefit. Eighty percent of consumers prefer products that are Made in America. Sixty percent say they are willing to pay up to 10 percent more for American made products. That's because American made products are associated with higher quality.
Because of the more stringent environmental regulations in the U.S., manufacturing in the U.S. has less of an environmental impact. Especially when you factor in the emissions required to ship globally. Global shipping is responsible for 2.5 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Not only does domestic manufacturing save the environment, but domestic shipping saves up to a half the time it can take to import foreign-manufactured goods.
Standard Textile is proud to be a leader in the field of advanced manufacturing. We succeed by supporting the growth of American communities, providing high-skill, high-paying jobs, and supporting the health and protection of the environment.