The World Manufacturing Forum will be held this year in Cernobbio, Italy, Sept. 27 – 28, and has opened a video competition for participants to show how “the manufacturing and digital revolution” affects their field. The winner will receive €5,000 ($6,175).
This year’s contest is titled ‘Manufacturing Revolution to Promote Global Resilience: how the industrial transformation inspires education, sustainable development and societal impact’ and will focus on Industry 4.0 and the societal effect of industrial policies.
The World Manufacturing Forum’s annual meeting will include representatives from over 40 countries. “Our mission is to facilitate dialogue and activities towards a shared common vision to solve the global manufacturing challenges through cooperation and collaboration, considering the different stakeholder perspectives from industry, academia, and government…” the organization writes. “The Forum aims to showcase the ways in which the new industrial revolution will support sustainable development through education and technological changes.” Their speakers will look ahead along the roadmap to 2030 in the context of sustainable development of the manufacturing industry.
Videos eligible for the contest will be three minutes long and can be uploaded as a max 100 MB file or as a URL. Submissions close May 31, after which a selection process to determine finalists will take place over the summer. Three finalists will be shown on a loop over the two days of the World Manufacturing Forum in September, where audiences can vote for their top choice. The winner will be announced Sept. 28.
Visit here for more information and the submissions page.