Czechs Adopt Car Scrappage Program

Lawmakers have adopted a scheme that pays people to scrap old cars and buy new ones after parliament voted to override the president's veto of the program.

PRAGUE (AP) -- Czech lawmakers have adopted a scheme that pays people to scrap old cars and buy new ones after parliament voted to override the president's veto of the program.

President Vaclav Klaus vetoed a series of stimulus measures in July meant to fight the effects of the global economic crisis, including the program, calling it "discriminatory" and "unsystematic."

A similar measure to help car sales has been adopted in a number of European countries, including Germany and France.

In Wednesday's vote, a majority voted to push through the package, which also includes a plan to give benefits to the unemployed for longer.

The scheme gives buyers who trade in a car more than 10 years old 30,000 koruna ($1,700).

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