INDIA - India recently launched a new initiative to boost manufacturing growth in the country.
The initiative, “Visionary Leadership in Manufacturing,” is a post-graduate program for executive-level manufacturing employees. It was launched by Dr. V. Krishnamurthy, Chairman, National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) in attempt to build “human capital” in-country.
The program is expected to generate “300 visionary leaders in the manufacturing sector in the next three years,” according to Dr. Krishnamurthy, and also marked the first time the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) have joined to develop a post-graduate program.
Dr. Krishnamurthy anticipates a 14 percent growth in the area’s manufacturing as a result of the program, and hopes to sustain that growth level to boost the GDP from its current 17 to 30 percent levels.
The first session of the program will begin in August 2007 and is one year long. Eligibility is based on a first class degree in any branch of engineering plus five years experience in manufacturing.
Shri R. Seshasayee, President of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), is optimistic about the program. He also noted that the three main challenges for Indian industry are the development of quality higher education, attracting and retaining talent, and developing intellectual property through R&D initiatives.