Several manufacturing companies have reportedly stopped production in Thailand following Tuesday's military coup.
Nissan, Honda and Toyota halted production, according to published reports. Toyota’s Thailand location is the company’s largest production hub outside Japan.Nissan has not decided when to start up production again after the military advised people to stay home. Honda resumed production beginning on their nightshift, after the short work stoppage.
DuPont and Rohm and Hass Co. are assessing their chemical manufacturing plants, but have not yet announced if they will shut down during the coup. DuPont has corporate offices in Bangkok, one plant in Bangpoo and one in Lumpoon. Rohm and Haas has offices in Bangkok and a manufacturing plant in Maptaphut.
Tyco International is also assessing safety concerns during the coup. The company currently employees approximately 1,600 people in the region. Tyco has two manufacturing plants in Thailand that make health-care devices and electronics equipment.
The military declared martial law yesterday evening and announced a provisional authority naming King Adulyadej as head of state. According to reports on Thai television, the military was met with no resistance to the takeover.